
[i]This site has moved to null-src.com

Shion OS Repositories

Shion OS has its own repositories for providing users with updates and bug fixes of software specific to Shion OS. Shion OS relies on the Ubuntu 15.10 repositories for most of its software updates. Shion OS repositories may also include patched and/or updated versions of packages which are not provided by Canonical in the Ubuntu 15.10 repositories.

Adding Shion OS Main and/or Beta Repositories

Install the GPG Authentication Key.
(If you are on Shion OS 1.1.2 the GPG key is already installed) To install the GPG key, run the below command in a terminal.
cd /tmp && wget http://shionos.s3.amazonaws.com/repo/key/deb.gpg.key -O shion-public.deb.key.gpg && sudo apt-key add /tmp/shion-public.deb.key.gpg   

Adding the Main Repository
To add the main repository to your sources, run the following commands in a terminal.
sudo wget http://shionos.s3.amazonaws.com/repo/source%20lists/shion-os-1.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/shion-os-1.list   
sudo apt-get update

Adding the Beta Repository
The beta repository contains package versions that are being tested or are works in progress. To add the beta repository to your sources, run the following commands in a terminal.
sudo wget http://shionos.s3.amazonaws.com/repo/source%20lists/shion-os-1-beta.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/shion-os-1-beta.list   
sudo apt-get update

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